Senin, 20 Desember 2010

phd universities Africa-Australia Small Grants Scheme 2010 In Africa

The Australian Embassy Is Pleased To Announce That Applications For The Australia-Africa Community Grants Scheme In 2010

Scholarship Description:
The AACGS (formerly the African Regional Small Activities Scheme or ARSAS) will support community-based activities being implemented by non-government organisations that promote sustainable economic and social development. Funding can range from AUD30,000 to AUD75,000. In rare cases involving exceptional project applications, we will consider larger amounts.Funding under the AACGS is available for all African countries, however the Australian Embassy in Cairo will accept applications from Egypt, Sudan (including Southern Sudan), Tunisia, Libya and Eritrea. For other African countries, please find the Australian diplomatic mission responsible in the guidelines below.

The Direct Aid Program:
The Embassy is currently open to accepting applications for the Australian Government’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) for 2010-2011. We are open to accepting these applications throughout the year, and will consider them on an ad hoc basis, depending on available funding.The DAP is a small-grants scheme which aims to alleviate humanitarian hardship. It has a particular focus on addressing the needs of women, children and other disadvantaged groups. DAP is aimed primarily at supporting small-scale sustainable development projects and activities that are participatory in nature. The Embassy’s preference is for projects which actively engage the beneficiaries in the design, development and implementation. Examples of areas where grants may be given include community health, women’s health and development, education, small-scale infrastructure, rural development, youth, gender equality and the environment. Consideration will also be given to disaster relief operations.DAP funding is available to individuals, community groups, international or Australian NGOs, academic institutions, research bodies, libraries, museums, or other organisations engaged in development activities on a not-for-profit basis. DAP projects must be located in Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, Libya or Syria.

Our online link to the DAP application form is currently down. For a copy of the DAP application form, please email Africa-Australia Small Grants Scheme (AACGS) 2010-2011The Australian Embassy is pleased to announce that applications for the Australia-Africa Community Grants Scheme (AACGS) for 2010-2011 are now open.The AACGS (formerly the African Regional Small Activities Scheme or ARSAS) will support community-based activities being implemented by non-government organisations that promote sustainable economic and social development. Funding can range from AUD30,000 to AUD75,000. In rare cases involving exceptional project applications, we will consider larger amounts.Funding under the AACGS is available for all African countries, however the Australian Embassy in Cairo will accept applications from Egypt, Sudan (including Southern Sudan), Tunisia, Libya and Eritrea. For other African countries, please find the Australian diplomatic mission responsible in the guidelines below.
Applications for funding under the AACGS must include:
1. An AACGS Project Proposal Summary using this template (maximum 2 pages)
2. An AACGS Detailed project proposal using this template (maximum 10 pages).
In completing your application, please refer to the following documents:
1. AusAID’s general guidelines and information on the AACGS
2. AusAID’s specific guidelines on completing AACGS applications

Last Date To Apply:31 January 2011


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