Rabu, 06 April 2011

Fellowships for Scholars Phd Universities

Phd Universities the Institute for Advanced Study is a private, independent institution in Princeton, New Jersey, founded in 1930 to focus on creating a community of scholars on intellectual inquiry, free education and the obligations of the other universities.

Each year,
Phd Universities researchers are applying all over the world come to the institute to conduct their own research. These select a subscription for a specified period and offered a scholarship. Members have access to extensive resources of the Institute, includin offices, a library, a restaurant and social housing and office services.

The Phd Universities School of Social Science each year invites as Members around twenty visiting scholars who constitute a genuinely interdisciplinary and international group. A completed doctorate or equivalent is required by the application deadline, and memberships are awarded at both the junior and senior levels. Memberships are awarded for the full academic year only.Phd Universities visiting Members are expected to pursue only their own research, while the School organizes a weekly seminar at which Members as well as invited guests present their ongoing work. The School is not wedded to any particular intellectual or disciplinary approach. It welcomes applications in economics, political science, law, psychology, sociology, and anthropology. It encourages social scientific work with a historical and humanistic bent and also considers applications in history, philosophy, literary criticism, literature, and linguistics. The following thematic focus is neither an exclusive nor excluding theme; it is expected that only one-third of the accepted scholars will pursue work relating to this theme. Phd Universities applications are strongly encouraged from scholars across the social sciences, whether or not their research corresponds to the theme

Application Deadline : 1 November 2011

Further Information


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