Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

PhD Position Digital Microfluidics with Cells in Droplets in University of Twente

Phd Universities For this position we seek special PhD * experimentalist with a strong background in bio / chemical engineering or physics.

Open Scholarship for International Students: Yes

Scholarship Information: The Phd Universities of Twente provides a stimulating academic environment with excellent technical facilities and a strong concentration of microfluidics research in the MESA + Institute for Nanotechnology and Research Institute of Mechanics Processes and Control Twente. PhD students can enroll in Burgerscenter JM, Fluid Dynamics of the Dutch National School and the Graduate School Twente for Fluid Dynamics.Phd Universities In digital microfluidics, the use of individual droplets as a closed sample container combined with sophisticated operations such as droplet transport, splitting, merging and mixing. http://www.callforpapersinfo.com
http://thescholarshipprogramme.com In this project, electrowetting (EW) will be used to capture individual biological cells in the drops and then exposing the cells to the reagents and antibodies are grafted onto the surface of the detector. This Phd Universities serves to identify the molecular markers are expressed by individual cells.

How to Apply: Online

Scholarship Application Deadline: before, June 30, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

PhD Scholarship in Materials Engineering, UBC Dept. of Materials Engineering

Phd Universities Masters (or equivalent) degree, especially in Materials Science and Engineering or Mechanical Engineering. Candidates with a degree in Mathematics and Natural Sciences with a suitable background are also encouraged to applyA minimum of 1 class standing is required and candidates must be eligible to apply for entry into graduate education in the Faculty of Graduate School at the University of British Columbia.

Open Scholarship for International Students: None

Open Scholarships to Students from the following countries: None

Scholarship Description: Phd Universities Scholarship Positions in Materials Engineering, UBC Department of Materials Engineering, Canada Project which is available in the following areas: 1. Development of inverse heat transfer methodology to design the location, timing and intensity of cooling of cooling elements in a low pressure die casting. 2. http://www.callforpapersinfo.com
http://thescholarshipprogramme.com Development of thermal-fluid transport model-solutal and integration microporosity model to measure fluid flow and solidification phenomena occurs in the mold cavity and predict the distribution of porosity in the final casting.Phd Universities Projects that are available within a leading international research group associated with the validation, development and implementation process of casting process modeling.

How to Apply: must send CV to andre.phillion-in-ubc.ca

Scholarship Application Deadline: Employer Contact

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Postdoctoral Position Phd Universities in Biophysics of Copper Transport Proteinst

The Phd Universities person must have hands on experience with protein expression and purification as well as by protein analysis of thermodynamic / kinetic data. In addition, the person must have expertise using spectroscopic methods, including NMR-based solutions. good communication skills in written and spoken English required.

Open Scholarship for International Students: None

Phd Universities Scholarship Description: Umeå University - with its 36,700 students and more than 4,200 employees - is an organization in constant change and development.The research activities in the Department of Chemistry has a focus on Biological Chemistry, Biogeochemistry, and chemical engineering. In the field of Biological Chemistry, one of the main direction is the study of protein folding, structure, and dynamics. In the study group Wittung-Stafshede, folding of metalloproteins and protein oligomers have been studied for years using a system of strategic protein in combination with various methods of biophysics / spectroscopy. http://www.callforpapersinfo.com
The main focus now is on (a) understanding the mechanisms of the proteins involved in copper transport in the cytoplasm and in (b) the influence of macromolecular crowding on protein biophysics. The
Phd Universities new postdoctoral fellow will be using several biophysical methods, including NMR, to study the biophysical properties, such as stability, changes in conformation and metal-binding proteins involved in copper transport in humans cytoplasm.

How to Apply: Online or by Post

Scholarship Application Deadline: June 16, 2011 at the latest

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana Fellowship Phd Universities

The Phd Universities purpose of this program is to identify and encourage talented students with aptitude for research.
Requirements: Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, offers attractive scholarships (Rs. 4000 to Rs 7000 pm.) And contingency grants (four-month fellowship pa) to students studying in Basic Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.http://www.callforpapersinfo.com
Selection for the program considering the account of academic excellence and show interest in pursuing research careers.
Phd Universities Selection procedures differ for SP (Basic Sciences) and SP (Medicine). All of them, however, including an interview for final selection.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 12 September 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

USDA Borlaug Fellowship Phd Universities Program for Kosovo

This Phd Universities program offers training and collaborative opportunities in agricultural research, international agricultural economics, leadership and policies for researchers who work for the government of Kosovo.
Competitively-selected people who will work one on one with the U.S. mentor who will coordinate the training fellow was.
Phd Universities After finishing 8-12 week fellowship, mentoring colleagues will visit the home institution for 7-10 days to continue the collaboration on research topics. USDA will select the U.S. host institution and mentor for each fellow.

Eligibility Criteria:

Applicants must:
-It would be good knowledge of English
-Have a master's degree with at least two years practical experience
-Will currently works full-time in the government of Kosovo with the aim to continue working in their home countries for a minimum of two years after their return from the United States
Early-mid stages of professional careers
-Have experience and focus in dairy research

Scholarship Application Deadline: May 20, 2011

Details Scholarship Information and Application

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

MA Scholarship Program PhD Universities

The PhD Universities main requirement of the program is to have a letter of acceptance from an approved university in a relevant special. Independent candidates to submit the document and pass on university admission procedures. After receiving the letter of acceptance from the university, the candidate applies to web-site of the Department of Education and Science of Georgia and fill out an electronic application no later than May, 31 2011. PhD Universities After providing all necessary documents, candidates will be interviewed by the Selection Board. Government of Georgia created the Selection Board.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 31May, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Domus B Graduate Scholarships PhD Universities

The PhD Universities scholarships, the students at home and the European Union's outstanding academic excellence, financial reasons not otherwise be possible, would help to study at Oxford University.

PhD Universities Scholarships by committees of universities and colleges as well as a maintenance grant of £ 12.300. Subject to satisfactory progress, scholarships will be valid for three years in the case of direct entry PhD programs and four in the event that a management course is required before a promotion. PhD Universities College researchers guaranteed single accommodation (if necessary) for the first year, then they can vote on the room in force. Fellows, the cost of this accommodation itself

Deadline for applications: 15 July 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Senin, 25 April 2011

Agnes Cooke Scholarship Phd Universities

The Phd Universities organization is offering scholarship to a deserving Virginia college student interested in pursuing a career in communications.
The scholarship is open to male and female students and to undergraduate and graduate students. The scholarship is open to any Virginia college student or to any Virginia resident attending an out-of-state college. Phd Universities Scholarship applicants must be planning a career in journalism, photo journalism, public relations or another related communications field.Members of Virginia Press Women receive additional consideration.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 15 July 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Selasa, 19 April 2011


The PHD UNIVERSITIES research focuses on shared memory, parallel algorithms, data structures and programming. This project is based on the fine-grained synchronization and coherence in memory parallel programming to also compromise the balance between the costs of synchronization and ease of programming. It is possible, based on common data structures / primitives shared-memory/multi-core simultaneous access to data and scalability exposure to different types of architecture and development methods work from such components.

PHD UNIVERSITIES Employment is expected to start in autumn 2011 (small differences can be negotiated). As a PhD student you are employed by Chalmers and receive a salary according to current wage (starting salary in this day and age. Ca. 25000SEK before tax). A maximum of 20% of your time to be devoted to other functions within the department, teaching in particular. The remaining time is dedicated to your own courses and research under the project and will earn the doctorate within 5 years.
Required qualifications

PHD UNIVERSITIES Applicants shall have a Master’s Degree or corresponding (Sw. civilingenjörsexamen) in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or in a related discipline. As for all PhD studies, a genuine interest and curiosity in the subject matter and excellent analytical and communication skills, orally as well as literally, are needed. Further, since the research work normally involves developing and testing analytical techniques, good programming skills are important. A successful candidate should have a profound interest in data structures and algorithms for shared memory and many-core architectures.

PHD UNIVERSITIES It will be very useful if your application includes parts of your own work, such as theses and articles that you have authored or co-authored. Please notice also that it is highly recommended that you include or e-mail letters of recommendation; we typically get a large number of applications, and it is not feasible for us to request individual letters.

You may apply even though you might not have completed your degree yet, but expect to do so before the position starts. Knowledge of Swedish is not a prerequisite for applying since English is our working language for research, and we publish internationally. Both Swedish and English are used in undergraduate courses. Half of our researchers and PhD students at the department come from more than 30 different countries.

Application procedure

The PHD UNIVERSITIES application shall be written in English and include the following items:

  1. An application of a maximum of one A4 page containing your specific qualifications for the position
  2. Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. Letters of recommendation and name of reference persons (optional)

The application shall be sent electronically as pdf or zipped documents.Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

If any material is not available electronically or cannot be transferred to pdf format, the material can be sent as a hard copy to Registrar. The applicants name and the reference number (2011/49) must be written on the first page of the application.

Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg

Further information

It will be very useful if your application includes parts of your own work such as theses and articles that you have authored or co-authored. Please notice also that it is highly recommended that you include or e-mail letters of recommendation; we typically get a large number of applications, and it is not feasible for us to request individual letters.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us:

Research level: Marina Papatriantafilou
e-post: ptrianta@chalmers.se

Doctoral education level: Jan Jonsson
e-post: janjo@chalmers.se

Division level: Peter Lundin
e-post: peter.lundin@chalmers.se

Union representatives
  • SACO: Jan Lindér
  • ST: Marie Wenander
  • SEKO: Johan Persson

All reachable via Chalmers exchange: +46 31 772 10 00

Rabu, 06 April 2011

Fellowships for Scholars Phd Universities

Phd Universities the Institute for Advanced Study is a private, independent institution in Princeton, New Jersey, founded in 1930 to focus on creating a community of scholars on intellectual inquiry, free education and the obligations of the other universities.

Each year,
Phd Universities researchers are applying all over the world come to the institute to conduct their own research. These select a subscription for a specified period and offered a scholarship. Members have access to extensive resources of the Institute, includin offices, a library, a restaurant and social housing and office services.

The Phd Universities School of Social Science each year invites as Members around twenty visiting scholars who constitute a genuinely interdisciplinary and international group. A completed doctorate or equivalent is required by the application deadline, and memberships are awarded at both the junior and senior levels. Memberships are awarded for the full academic year only.Phd Universities visiting Members are expected to pursue only their own research, while the School organizes a weekly seminar at which Members as well as invited guests present their ongoing work. The School is not wedded to any particular intellectual or disciplinary approach. It welcomes applications in economics, political science, law, psychology, sociology, and anthropology. It encourages social scientific work with a historical and humanistic bent and also considers applications in history, philosophy, literary criticism, literature, and linguistics. The following thematic focus is neither an exclusive nor excluding theme; it is expected that only one-third of the accepted scholars will pursue work relating to this theme. Phd Universities applications are strongly encouraged from scholars across the social sciences, whether or not their research corresponds to the theme

Application Deadline : 1 November 2011

Further Information


Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

PhD Universities Position in Solid State NMR

The PhD Universities first project involves the development of NMR methods and the theoretical description of NMR experiments under magic-angle spinning (MAS) conditions. The PhD Universities application of these methods is to study structure and dynamics of biomolecules by solid-state NMR. Successful candidates have graduated in physics or chemistry with a strong interest in theory as well as experimental work.

The second PhD Universities project focuses on the development of a low-temperature magic-angle spinning (MAS) probe at low temperatures (10 K) using liquid Helium for cooling. Such a probe will be used to study tunneling pand hyperpolarization phenomena. PhD Universities successful candidates have graduated in physics or chemistry with a strong interest in experimental work and building hardware. The PhD Universities students will also participate in teaching activities at the institute.

For further information please contact PD Dr. Matthias Ernst (maer@ethz.ch, no appplication) or Prof. Beat Meier (beme@ethz.ch, no application). More details about the research activities of our group can be found at http://www.ssnmr.ethz.ch.

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Phd Universities ADBE Consumers and Possessions Studentship,UK

Subject: consumer and property: an interdisciplinary study of sustainable practices
Employer: University of Kent
Level: Doctoral
Scholarship description: The School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment at Nottingham Trent University has an ambitious development strategy that allows us to offer an excellent opportunity for a scholarship for doctoral studies. The scholarships pay UK / EU fees and provide a maintenance bond in connection with the rate of RCUK (£ 13.590 per year for 2011/12) for up to three years. The need to improve the understanding of human behavior in order to sustainable consumption is easy to see progress, is proof that the design of our possessions and our environment locks into particular forms of behavior. This is a scholarship with interdisciplinary research, how people use their property and the built environment towards sustainability and the impact on the design practice. A key will be to knowledge in the field of sustainable architecture, sustainable design and sustainable products leads. Our previous studies have found evidence of inconsistent behavior of consumers in terms of their influence on the environmental impact of various products. Further research is needed to plan these contradictions and the University of the Sustainable Consumption Research Group present a series of seminars to explain the cross. This will examine the use of buildings, clothing, household goods and vehicles and the factors that could cause them to be used in a sustainable way and to explore the reasons for variations in the behavior of users. Other research at the University proposed a theoretical case for the treatment of the effect of the physical form of products on people's behavior. Open University Research Group (objects, practices, experiences and networks) is running a series of events to be considered by the different perspectives on material and size. The outcome of these two initiatives will form the basis of this science, which will change the understanding of pro-environmental behavior can be improved.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 15 April 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

DoM Visionary Scholarship(MBM Full-Time) Phd Universities at University of Strathclyde, UK

This award is intended for candidates who are prepared to test new ideas; to go beyond the status quo and make a difference to industry and society. Candidates must demonstrate through their ideas, experience and achievements that they are an excellent team player, with a strong vision for the future. Leadership/management skills or potential, overall quality of the application and financial need will also be considered. The award will be judged on a 1000 word statement supplied by each candidate that should state which scholarship you wish to be considered for and should clearly articulate how you meet the scholarship criteria. Please also submit a maximum of 300 words outlining your reason for applying for the scholarship. Before applications for this studentship may be considered, candidates must have applied for admission to, and received either an unconditional or conditional place, on the Law School’s postgraduate research programme.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 May 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Clinical Research Fellow Phd Universities

Salary Range: £31,523 - £39,300 plus £1,505 London Allowance per annum

Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease for which there are no cures or drugs which can arrest the disease process. The neurodegenerative disease process has been associated with the accumulation of iron in the brain area affected. Recently we have demonstrated that clinically available iron chelators for treating peripheral iron overload disorders, like beta-thalassemia, are neuroprotectve in in vivo models of PD. We are now translating the development of such chelators, Deferiprone, into clinical trials in PD. In this pilot clinical trial we will be examining the tolerability and efficacy of the iron chelator in newly diagnosed PD patients.

We are seeking an enthusiastic Clinical Research Fellow to join the Deferiprone PD clinical trial team, working under the supervision of Dr David Dexter and Professor Paola Piccini. You will be asked to interact with the movement disorder clinics from which the PD patients will be recruited, and help coordinate the clinical and MRI assessment of the subjects enrolled in the study.

Responsibilities will include, but not restricted to, assisting with the clinical trial management, assisting with recruitment of subjects into the Deferiprone study, neurological assessment of the patients taking part in the trial, assisting the radiographer with the MRI of subjects and subsequent analysis of the MRI scans, record keeping, etc.

Applicants must be medically qualified at a Senior SHO or Specialist Registrar level (ST2 or above), and have full General Medical Council Registration.

This post has been made possible by the award of grants from the Biomedical Research Centre. This full-time, fixed-term appointment is for two years. The post will be based primarily at the Hammersmith Hospital sites located in East Acton, however you may be expected to attend movement disorder clinics at other hospital within the Trust.

For further details or informal enquires contact Dr David Dexter 0207 594 6665 or at d.dexter@imperial.ac.uk

Please note that as this post is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, a satisfactory enhanced level Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Disclosure will be required for the successful candidate.

Our preferred method of application is online via our website at http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/employment (please select "Job Search" then enter the job title or vacancy reference number into "Keywords"). Please complete and upload an application form as directed quoting reference number HM2011043.

Alternatively, if you are unable to apply online, please email hmrecr@imperial.ac.uk to request an application form.

Closing Date: 12 April 2011 (Midnight BST)

Committed to equality and valuing diversity. We are also an Athena Silver SWAN Award winner, a Stonewall Diversity Champion and a Stonewall Top 100 Employer 2011.